Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
W. Peng, H. Le Ferrand, P. Onck, Atomistic and finite element modelling of mechanical properties and energy dissipation mechanisms in 3D aerosolization-based Voronoi graphene foams, Thin Wall Structures xx (2025), xx
E. Soh, N.Y.J. Loh, J.H. Teoh, A. Jain, H. Le Ferrand, Biodegradable mycelium tiles with elephant skin inspired texture for thermal regulation of buildings, Energy & Buildings xx (2025), xx
I. Yeter, H. Le Ferrand, Exploring the potential of ChatGPT for finding engineering biomimetic solutions: a theoretical framework and practical insights, Journal of Bionic Engineering xx (2024), xx.
S. Sapasakulvanit, J.H. Teoh, H. Le Ferrand, Bioinspired processing for the sustainable fabrication of high-performance bioinspired ceramic-reinforced polymer composites, Matter xx (2024), xx.
K.S. Riley, M.H. Jhon, H. Le Ferrand, D. Wang, A.F. Arrieta, Inverse design of bistable composite laminates with switching tunneling method for global optimization, Communications Engineering 3 (1) (2024), 115.
J.H Teoh, E. Soh, H. Le Ferrand, Manipulating fungal growth in engineered living materials through precise deposition of nutrients, International Journal of Bioprinting xx (2024), xx.
Y. M, P. Dee, H. Le Ferrand, Magnetic functionalization of brushite microplatelets and rheological analysis of slurries, Bioinspired, biomimetic and nanobiomaterials 40 (2024), 1-11.
R.P. Behera, A.Y.R. Ng, M.J.H Reavley, Z. Du, C.L. Gan, H. Le Ferrand, Rational design and fabrication of hierarchical ceramics using bioinspired microstructures for tailorable strength and toughness, Cells Reports Physical Science 5(8) (2024).
R.P. Behera, A.Y.R. Ng, Z. Du, C.L. Gan, H. Le Ferrand, Effect of interfacial Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of textured alumina densified by ultrafast high-temperature sintering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (14) (2024), 116696.
L. Guan, J. Fan, Z.K. Ng, E.H.T. Teo, H. Le Ferrand, Modulation of the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness through micro/macrostructure design for electronic packaging, NPG Asia Materials 16 (1) (2024), 35. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, Critical review of mycelium-bound product development to identify barriers to entry and paths to overcome them, Journal of Cleaner Production, 450 (2024), 141859.
W. Peng, X.Y. Chan, S.H. Lee, H. Le Ferrand, Effect of microplatelet orientation in 3D printed microplatelet-reinforced composites with bioinspired microstructures, MRS Bulletin (2024), 1-12.
J. Liu, Z. Ma, R. Behera, H. He, J. Xiong, H. Le Ferrand, High entropy oxide as interfacial material for toughened textured alumina, Journal of American Ceramic Society 107 (2024), 3868-3880.
H. He, W. Peng, H. Le Ferrand Thermal rectification in modularly designed bulk metamaterials, Advanced Materials 36 (8) (2024), 2307071.
H. Le Ferrand, Bee Tin Goh, Swee-Hin Teoh, Nacre-like ceramic composites: properties, functions and fabrication in the context of dental restorations. Acta Biomaterialia 173 (2024), 66-79.
E. Soh, J.H. Teoh, B. Leong, T. Xing, H. Le Ferrand 3D printing of mycelium engineered living materials using a waste-based ink and non-sterile conditions, Materials & Design 236 (2023), 112481.
L. Guan, W. Peng, R.J.W. Ng, J. Fan, H. Le Ferrand Izod impact resistance of 3D printed discontinuous fibrous composites with Bouligand microstructure, NPG Asia Materials 15 (2023), 60. (Open Access)
S. Sapasakulvanit, X.Y. Chan, H. Le Ferrand Fabrication and testing of bioinspired microstructured alumina composites with sacrificial interpenetrating polymer bonds, Bionspiration and biomimetics 18 (4), 046009 (2023).
I.H. Yeter, V.S.Q. Tan, H. Le Ferrand Conceptualization of biomimicry in engineering context among undergraduate and high school students: an international interdisciplinary exploration, Biomimetics 8 (1), 125 (2023).
X.Y. Chan, Z.H. Ng, L. Guan, H. He, S. Sapasakulvanit, P. Dee, H. Le Ferrand Fabrication and testing of bioinspired composites with curved multilayer microstructures, JOM 75, 2158-2173 (2023).
Selected Editor's first choice (link for OA)
L. Guan, J. Fan, X.Y. Chan, H. Le Ferrand, Continuous 3D printing of microstructured multifunctional materials, Additive manufacturing 62, 103373 (2023).
E. Soh, H. Le Ferrand, Woodpile structural designs to increase the stiffness of mycelium-bound composites, Materials & Design 225, 111530 (2023). (Open Access).
H. Le Ferrand, Could bio-inspired nacre-like ceramics be suitable to fabricate musical instruments? Music & Science 5 (2022). (Open Access).
J.K. Gan, E. Soh, N. Saeidi, A. Javadian, D.E. Hebel, H. Le Ferrand, Temporal characterization of biocycles of mycelium-bound composites made from bamboo and Pleurotus ostreatus for indoor usage. Sci Rep 12, 19362 (2022).
W.C. Liu, V. Chou, R.P. Behera, H. Le Ferrand, Magnetically assisted drop-on-demand 3D printing of microstructured multimaterial composites, Nature Communications, 13 (2022), 5015.
Listed among the top most read 25 articles in Nature Communications in 2022.
R.P. Behera, M.J.H. Reavley, Z. Du, C.L. Gan, H. Le Ferrand, Ultrafast high-temperature sintering of textured alumina, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 12 (2022), 7122-7133.
H. He, W. Peng, J. Liu, X.Y. Chan, S. Liu, L. Lu, H. Le Ferrand, Microstructured BN composites with internally designed high thermal conductivity paths for 3D electronic packaging, Advanced materials, 34 (2022), 2270266.
News Release: MIT Tech Reviews China, Deeptech platform , Nanowerk , Mirage News , NTU news, The Engineer
H. He, L. Guan, H. Le Ferrand, Controlled local orientation of 2D nanomaterials in 3D devices: methods and prospects for multifunctional designs and enhanced performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (2022), 19129-19168, emerging investigators 2022. (Open Access).
H. Le Ferrand, K. Riley, A. Arrieta, Plant-inspired multi stimuli and multi temporal morphing composites, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 17 (2022) 046002.
P. Dee, S. Tan, H. Le Ferrand, Fabrication of microstructured calcium phosphate ceramics scaffolds by material extrusion-based 3D printing approach, International journal of bioprinting 8 (2022). (Open Access).
V. Chou, W.C. Liu, M. Wittwer, H. Le Ferrand, M. Seita. Characterisation of microplatelets' orientation and composition using directional reflectance microscopy. Acta Materialia, 229 (2022), 117798. (Open Access).
Y. Zhang, H. Le Ferrand, Bioinspired self-shaping clay composites for sustainable development, Biomimetics, 7, (2022), 13. (Open Access).
X.Y. Chan, C. Chua, S. Tan, H. Le Ferrand, Energy dissipation in hybrid nacre-like helicoidal microstructures, Composites Part B, 232 (2022), 109608. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, A. Arrieta, Magnetically driven in-plane modulation of the 3D orientation of vertical ferromagnetic flakes, Soft Matter, 18 (2022), 1054-1063. (Open Access)
S. Puthanveetil, W. L. Chung, K. Riley, A. Arrieta, H. Le Ferrand, Programmable multistability for 3D printed reinforced multifunctional composites with reversible shape change, Composites Science and Technology, 217 (2022), 109097. (Open Access)
J. S. Chan, H. Le Ferrand, Assessment of nacre-like ceramics in replacement to Ni superalloys in aircraft’s engines, Sustainable Materials and Technology, 31 (2022), 00363. (Open Access)
T. Wu, W. Q. Jia, L. Pothunuri, E. Soh, H. Le Ferrand, Easily-applicable protocol for ink development for extrusion-based 3D printing, Ceramica, 68 (2022), 152-159. (Open Access)
E. Soh, N. Saeidi, A. Javadian, D.E. Hebel, H. Le Ferrand, Effects of common foods on the mycelium growth of G. lucidum and P. ostreatus on solid substrates. PLOS One, 16 (2021), e0260170. (Open Access)
R. P. Behera, H. Le Ferrand, Impact resistant materials inspired by the mantis shrimp's dactyl club, Matter, 4 (2021), 2831-2849.
R. P. Behera, S. B. S. Muhammad, M. J. He, H. Le Ferrand, Porous textured ceramics with controlled grain size and orientation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41 (2021), 617-624. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, Magnetic slip casting for dense and textured ceramics: a review of current achievements and issues, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41 (2021), 24-37. (Open Access)
A. Kumar, H. Mohanram, J. Li, H. Le Ferrand, C. Verma, A. Miserez, Disorder-order interplay of a barnacle cement protein triggered by interactions with calcium and carbonate ions: a molecular dynamics study, Chemistry of Materials, 32 (2020), 8845-8859.
A. Javadian, H. Le Ferrand, D. E. Hebel, N. Saeidi, Application of mycelium-bound composite materials in construction industry: a short review, SOJ Materials Science and Engineering (2020).(Open Access)
E. Soh*, Z.Y. Chew*, N. Saeidi, A. Javadian, D. Hebel, H. Le Ferrand, Development of an extrudable paste to build mycelium-bound composites, Materials & Design, 195 (2020), 109058. (Open Access)
P. Dee, H.Y. You, S.H. Teoh, H. Le Ferrand, Bioinspired approaches to toughen calcium phosphate-based ceramics for bone repair, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 112 (2020), 104078, invited contribution. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, S. Chabi, S. Agarwala, 3D assembly of graphene nanomaterials for advanced electronics, Advanced Intelligent Systems, (2020), 1900151. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, Y. Morii, Structure-behaviour correlations between two genetically closely related snail species, Royal Society Open Science 7 (2020), 191471. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, C. Athanasiou, A materials perspective on the design of damage-resilient bone implants through additive/advanced manufacturing, JOM (2020). (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, F. Bouville, Processing of dense bio-inspired ceramics with deliberate microtexture, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 102 (2019), 7253.
T. Magrini, F. Bouville, A. Lauria, H. Le Ferrand, T. Niebel, A.R. Studart, Transparent and tough bulk composites inspired by nacre, Nature Communications 10 (2019), 2794. (Open Access)
News Release: Device and materials engineering, Device materials and engineering; Nacre-inspired composites display optical transparency, fracture toughness, MRS Bulletin.
H. Le Ferrand, Modeling the effect of microstructure on elastic wave propagation in platelet-reinforced composites and ceramics, Composite Structures 224 (2019), 111105.​
Open Access Preprint: arXiv:1906.02582
H. Le Ferrand, M. Duchamp, D. Gabryelczyk, C. Hao, A. Miserez, Time-resolved observations of liquid-liquid phase separation at the nanoscale using in situ Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy, JACS 17 (2019), 7202. (PDF)
S. Amini, M. Tadayon, J.J. Loke, A. Kumar, D. Kanagavel, H. Le Ferrand, M. Duchamp, M. Raida, R.M. Sobota, L. Chen, S. Hoon, A. Miserez, A diecast mineralization process forms the tough mantis shrimp dactyl club, PNAS 18 (2019), 8685.
H. Le Ferrand, F. Bouville, A.R. Studart, Design of textured multi-layered structures via magnetically assisted slip casting, Soft Matter 15 (2019), 3886.
​Open Access Preprint: arXiv:1808.01327.
H. Le Ferrand, A.R. Studart, A.F. Arrieta, Filtered mechanosensing using snapping composites with embedded mechano-electrical transduction, ACS Nano 4 (2019), 4752.
​News Release: "Spidey senses" could help autonomous machines see better, Purdue News; Snap! Goes the Future..., Felix, Imperial College newspaper.
H. Le Ferrand, Robotics: Science preceding science-fiction, MRS Bulletin 44 (2019), 295. (PDF), invited contribution.
H. Le Ferrand, External fields for the fabrication of highly mineralized hierarchical architectures, J. Mater. Res., 34 (2019), 169.(Open Access)
K. Riley, H. Le Ferrand, A.F. Arrieta, Modeling of snapping composite shells with magnetically aligned bio-inspired reinforcements, Smart Materials and Structures 27 (2018), 114003.
J.U. Schmied*, H. Le Ferrand*, P. Ermanni, A.R. Studart, A.F. Arrieta, Programmable snapping composites with bio-inspired architecture, Bioinsp. Biomim. 12 (2017), 026012.
News Release: Bio-inspired bistable shape-changing displacement sensors, MRS Meeting Scene
F. Bargardi*, H. Le Ferrand*, R. Libanori, A.R. Studart, Bio-inspired self-shaping ceramics, Nature Communications 7 (2016), 13912. (Open Access)
H. Le Ferrand, S. Bolisetty, A.F. Demirörs, R. Libanori, A.R. Studart, R. Mezzenga, Magnetic assembly of transparent and conducting graphene-based functional composites, Nature Communications 7 (2016), 12078. (Open Access)
A. Garbin, I. Leibacher, P. Hahn, H. Le Ferrand, A.R. Studart, J. Dual, Acoustophoresis of disc-shaped microparticles: a numerical and experimental study of acoustic radiation forces and torques, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 138 (2015), 2759.
H. Le Ferrand*, F. Bouville*, T.P. Niebel, A.R. Studart, Magnetically assisted slip-casting of bio-inspired heterogeneous composites, Nature Materials 14 (2015), 1172.
News Releases: Biomimetic dental prosthesis, Peter Rüegg, ETH News, Advances in materials will soon solve any dental dilemma, April Gocha, The American Ceramic Society, Nachbau gelungen: Ein künstlicher Zahn so hart wie ein echter, Detlef Stoller (in German),, Nuevas prótesis dentales biomiméticas, (in Spanish) Tendencias21
Open Access Preprint: arXiv:1605.07461.
R. Libanori, R.M. Erb, A. Reiser, H. Le Ferrand, M.J. Süess, R. Spolenak, A.R. Studart, Stretchable heterogeneous composites with extreme mechanical gradients, Nature Communications 3 (2012), 026012. (Open Access)
News Releases: New material for stretchy electronics is inspired by nature and mimics how tendons connect to bones, New York Daily News, Härter als Knochen und weicher als Haut, Maja Schaffner (in German), ETH life
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
S. Kumar, R.P. Behera, H. Le Ferrand, A facile and versatile process for creating bioinspired ceramic-metal hierarchical structures, TMS2025: Advances in ceramic materials and processing, (2025).
D. Sharma, H. Le Ferrand, Exceptional strength of mycelium-bound composites: a sustainable brick alternative for construction, TMS2025: Natural fibers and biocomposites: a sustainable solution, (2025).
E. Soh, N.Y.J. Loh, J.H. Teoh, A. Jain, H. Le Ferrand, Elephant skin-inspired mycelium tiles for thermal regulation of buildings. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, volume 1372, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2023, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (2024).
E. Soh, J.H. Teoh, M. Mathialagan, R.J.H. Peh, W.N. Yong, V. Ranner, H. Le Ferrand, Mycelium-metal hybrids: exploring fabrication and application for reconfigurable design structures. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, volume 1372, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2023, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (2024).
Y.W.D. Tay, E. Soh, H. Le Ferrand, M.J. Tan. 3D printing of large-scale biodegradable material. In: M.J. Tan, Y.W.D. Tay, T.N. Wong, P. Bartolo (eds). Construction 3D Printing. Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing. Springer, Cham (2024).
S.Tan, S.M. Iskandar S. Muhammad, C.K. Chan, H. Le Ferrand, An approach to 3D print liquid, established ceramic slurries, Materials Today: Proceedings 70 (2022) 487-491.
H. Le Ferrand, Bioinspired multifunctional composites with morphing capabilities, Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 2021 (NFM21) (2021).
H. Le Ferrand, Pressure-less processing of alumina ceramics with controlled elongated grain size and orientation, TMS2020: Advances in powder and ceramic materials science, (2020).
K. S. Riley, H. Le Ferrand, A.F. Arrieta, Modeling of bio-inspired, snapping composite shells with magnetically-aligned reinforcements, ASME17: Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, (2017).
A.F. Arrieta, J.U. Schmied, H. Le Ferrand, P. Ermanni, A.R. Studart, Magnetically reinforced multi-stable shells for bio-inspired shape adaptation, ECCM17: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, (2017).
T. Niebel, H. Le Ferrand, F. Bouville, A.R. Studart, Magnetically assisted assembly of bioinspired composites, Composites at Lake Louise (CALL2015), Dr. Jim Smay, Oklahoma State University, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2016).
Patent Applications
WO2022260601A2: Magnetically assisted drop-on-demand 3d printing of microstructures, Hortense Le Ferrand, Liu Wing Chung.
WO2023/204760A1: Directed thermal conduction article, composite and method, Hortense Le Ferrand, Hongying He.
WO2024/035344A1: Continuous 3d printing for microstructured composites, Lizhi Guan, Xin Ying Chan, Hortense Le Ferrand.
Other journal publications
H. Le Ferrand, J. Meiksin, Celebrating 50 years of MRS!. MRS Bulletin 48 (2023), 1-2. (Q1B, IF=5.199). Society News
H. Le Ferrand, These cracks know they twist so fine, Matter (2022). (Q1A, IF=15.59). Invited preview
H. Sardon, T. Long, H. Le Ferrand, Sustainable additive manufacturing of plastics, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10 (2022), 1983-1985. (Q1A, IF=6.14). Editorial
H. Le Ferrand, International Conference on 'Materials for Humanity' hosted by MRS Singapore, MRS Bulletin, 46 (2021), 988-989. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Society News
H. Le Ferrand, A. Bacha, Discovery and rediscovery of gutta-percha, a natural thermoplastic, MRS Bulletin, 46 (2021), 84. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Historical note
H. Le Ferrand, How can material science contribute to fighting against the new coronavirus, MRS Bulletin, 47 (2020), 327. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Opinion
H. Le Ferrand, 3D printing towards a sustainable future, Accounts of Materials Research, 1 (2020), 123-125, Viewpoint
H. Le Ferrand, 3D printed colloidal microswimmers with complex shapes propelled catalytically, MRS Bulletin, 45 (2020), 986. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Nanoindentation on peeled high-performance polymeric fibers reveals failure mechanisms, MRS Bulletin, 45 (2020), 518. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Academic genealogy to follow the evolution of materials research, MRS Bulletin, 45 (2020), 675. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Historical note
H. Le Ferrand, Sub 1-nm nanowires bridge inorganic and polymer-like properties, MRS Bulletin, 45 (2020), 518. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, In situ mechanical testing in a SEM performed at 1150 C with submicron resolution, MRS Bulletin, 45 (2020), 410. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Designed crack-resistant cesium aluminoborate glass heals under hydration, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 838. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Proteins designed to bind to a specific surface, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 838. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Water droplet encased by polymer membrane, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 600. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Synthetic polymer forms double helix with high stiffness, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 327. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, NanoFocus: graded index nanoporous Teflon coatings make transparent polymers invisible, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 230. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Shrinkage leads to nanoscale resolution in 3D geometries and with a variety of materials, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 154. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, 3D tubular platform monitors cell cultures, MRS Bulletin, 44 (2019), 10. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Automotive clearcoats characterized in search for improvement, MRS Bulletin, 43 (2018), 911. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Indigenous Amazonian potteries as early reinforced ceramics, MRS Bulletin, 43 (2018), 388. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Historical note
H. Le Ferrand, Porous coating protect ceramics from surface thermal fatigue, MRS Bulletin, 43 (2018), 814. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, Multi-material 3D printing produces expandable microlattices, MRS Bulletin, 43 (2018), 649. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News
H. Le Ferrand, MBio Focus: GaN thin films encode cell regulatory reponse for biological communication, MRS Bulletin, 43 (2018), 572. (Q1A, IF=5.199). Research News