Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Office: N3-02b-51
Tel: +65 6790 5540
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
50 Nanyang Avenue,
Nanyang Technological University
639798 Singapore
Interested in joining?
Research staff positions
If you are interested to join us with your own funding, please reach out.
PhD positions
We are always delighted to hear from enthusiastic students. Please check you are entirely fulfilling NTU requirements ( before contacting us.
Master thesis
Master students with high motivation and curiosity in the fields of advanced manufacturing and 3D printing, bio-mimetic and bio-inspired composites and ceramics are invited to apply for a Master Thesis. Those students from universities having partnership with NTU or in the Top 10% world ranking can apply.
Project officer & Student assistantships
Student assistantships positions available. Please contact PI directly for more info.
Other research visits & independent fellowships
There are multiple opportunities to apply to for short or long term visits, examples below:
- for citizen of the Commonwealth, look at this link
- for Chinese citizen, the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)
- international students can apply to the Singapore International Graduate Award SINGA
- international students for research attachment with collaborator at A*STAR: ARAP
- for citizen from other selected countries, look at the Roberto Rocca program,
- from Swiss universities, look at ETH global.
- from European universities, look at the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions-EURAXESS Global Fellow scheme
- Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship
- for students from India, look at India Connect program at NTU and joint IIT-NTU PhD program.