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Media & Outreach


  • Prof talks about water for bioinspired processing at the Women in Engineering, Science and Technology symposium 2025 (link)



  • Our elephant-inspired mycelium tiles are in featured in Channel News Asia news (link).

  • Podcast HerFrequency discussing international mobility in academia, on Youtube (link).

  • Our research on thermal composites is highlighted in NTU Pushing frontiers, the research and innovation magazine of NTU: check out the issue #22!

  • Mycostories features our research on mycelium-bound composites in a video (link).

  • Chemistry World publishes an article featuring magnetic assisted slip casting and BN composites developed in our group (link).

  • Panel discussion about 'the art of innovation' with Dr. Yannis Assael from Google Deepmind and Prof Paul Seawright from Ulster University, Ireland, held at the MIT innovator U35, Europe in Donegal Ireland.

  • Our mycelium composites developed by Nicholas, Eugene and Jia Heng, in collaboration with Dr. Anuj from BioSEA are showcased at the Biomimicry Toolkit launch event at the National Design Centre of Singapore.

  • Prof's talk on 3D printing of multifunctional materials with bioinspired microstructures is available on Youtube (link).


  • Eugene and Prof explain mycelium-bound composites to CNA insider in the series 'What's the Big Deal?" (link)

  • Article 'Jeux de ficelles' in the magazine Papier machine (Issue 13, Couette) Belgium.

  • Rohit is reporter for the MRS Fall meeting scene.

  • Prof is judge of the National STEM Championship broadcasted by Mediacorp (see Ep 4)

  •  The LDMCies participated to SeeNTU 2022 by organizing a workshop on bioinspiration attended by secondary school Singapore students.

  • Webinar on Biomimetics and Bioinspiration presented to the Union des Francais de l'Etranger a Singapour and Accueil Singapore.

  • 'Bio-inspired', article about self-shaping ceramics, published in the Clay Culture section of Ceramics Monthly magazine.

  • Prof Hortense research profile is highlighted in the special 'Rising Stars' issue of the National Research Foundation of Singapore magazine.


  • After delays an exciting project finally starts, post on ETH ambassador's blog.

  • Interview with Women in Engineering, Science and Technology: recording at this link.

  • The project on mycelium is highlighted in the Straits Times.

  • Mycelium digitalization: Prof Hortense, Dr Juney Lee and Dr Anna Szabo discuss their research project at the Future Cities Laboratories. The recording is available at this link.

  • Nature-inspired additive manufacturing: short and long discussion about Prof Hortense's work and career on Youtube. An interview by Scientists Nano and twitter curation for a week.

  • Our research is highlighted in NTU Pushing frontiers, the research and innovation magazine of NTU: check out the issue #19!

  • We celebrate Women in Engineering with SWE@NTU! see video.

  • Profile is on Asia Research News!

  • Interview "tour du monde des campus en temps de pandemie" by AEF (in French).





Anchor 2
  • 17 Nov 2024- 22 Nov 2024: Myco-bricks at the exhibition show 'Prototypes for Humanity', Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • 13 Nov 2024- 14 Nov 2024: Mycelium composites display at the Plastics Recycling Show Asia (PRSA) in Singapore, in collaboration with Temasek Polytechnic.
  • 3 June 2024- 30 July 2024: Urban biocycles, mycelium digitalization part of the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) Global exhibit at the URA Centre, Singapore.
  • 15 Nov 2023- 29 March 2024: Elephant inspired mycelium tiles at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) Urban Lab Exhibition on Climate Responsive City, Singapore.
  • 12 Oct 2023- Oct 2024: Urban biocycles, mycelium digitalization with collaborators led by Profs Philippe Block, Benjamin Dillenburger, Dirk Hebel, presented at ETH Zurich, Switzerland and launched at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) Global conference (
  • 17 May 2023- Aug 2023: Mycelium-bound composites for urban living at the Agropolitain SeedTown, Cikarang, Jakarta, Indonesia. Curated by Daliana Sryawinata and Prof Stephen Cairns from Agropolitain Territories research at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) supported by ETH Zurich, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.

Invited seminars
Seminars/ webinars
Composite materials with bioinspired microtructures, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Mycomaterials for a circular bioeconomy, 
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Innovative sustainable processes and materials, 
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Bioinspired processes for bioinspired advanced materials, 
NTU-Chalmers Workshop, Singapore
Bioinspired processes for bioinspired advanced materials
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Promotion of women in engineering, research, and science (POWERS), an effort at NTU Singapore, CAPRA meeting, Singapore
Research avenues for more sustainability and inclusivity, 
NTU URECA, Singapore
Mechanical properties of ceramic composites with complex bioinspired microstructures, GaTech, USA

Aligning BN microplatelets in specific directions to control thermal pathways in bulk, TU Wien, Austria
3D printing of microstructured multifunctional composites,
STI, EPFL, Switzerland
Explore the future of dental restorations,
MAE, MSE & LKC, NTU, Singapore

Mycelium-bound composites for sustainable urban living, D-ARCH ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Aligning platelets in specific directions for functional devices, D-MATL ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3d printing of multifunctional materials/devices with bioinspired microstructure, Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, Singapore
Introduction to biomimicry, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU
, Singapore
3d printing of multifunctional materials with bioinspired microstructure, University of Bath, UK

Local microstructure designs to tailor the properties of platelet-reinforced composites, MSE, NTU, Singapore
Composite materials with bioinspired microstructures: towards engineering applications, Accounts of Materials Research: Asia-Pacific Summit, ACS Publications 
Urban Biocycles Mycelium Digitalization, Singapore ETH Centre, Singapore
Bioinspired multifunctional structural materials, Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Germany (link
Bioinspired microstructures to design multifunctional structural materials, MSE, NTU, Singapore
Bioinspired engineering, Singapore ETH Centre, Singapore
Fabricating of hard materials with bioinspired microstructures and properties, National Dental Centre, Singapore
Fabricating stiff composite materials with unusual combinations of properties, IKTS-NTU seminar, Singapore
Fabricating stiff composite materials with unusual combinations of properties, MSE, NTU, Singapore
Engineering graded bio-inspired interfaces in dense compositesBrown University, Providence, USA
Programming complex and fast morphing into stiff composites, A*STAR, IHPC, Singapore
Manufacturing of dense bio-inspired multifunctional composites, NTU, MAE, Singapore

Conference contributions
American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring Meeting, USAinvited talk by Prof
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS)
, USA, Deepak, Sourabh presenting, invited talk by Prof

Biointerface International Conference 2024, SwitzerlandJia Heng presenting
4th International Conference on Ceramic Materials for Energy and Environmental systems (CMCEE14), HungaryRohit presenting
International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES), Singapore, Weixiang and Zezhou presenting
NDCS-Zeiss workshop 
SingaporeRohit presenting
Gordon conference on Green Chemistry, 
invited talk by Prof
SingaporeRohit presenting
Asia-Pacific workshop on Engineered living materials (AP-ELMS), Australia
invited keynote by Prof
7th International Conference on Bioinspired Materials, GermanySlocha and Weixiang presenting
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS), USAinvited talk by Prof
48th International conference and expo on advanced ceramics and composites (ICACC), USAinvited talk by Prof

International conference on sustainable energy and green technology, Vietnam, Prof presenting
1st Conference on Advanced Medical Engineering,
invited keynote by Prof, Lizhi and Rohit presenting
Joint 37th IADR-SEA Annual Scientific Meeting & 2nd International Oral Health Symposium, Singaporeinvited talk by Prof
15th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies PACRIM15, Chinainvited keynote by Prof
International Conference on Frontier Materials ICFM, China, invited talk by Prof, presented by Lizhi
Future Cities Laboratory Global conference, Switzerland, Jia Heng and Eugene presenting
FEMRS Euromat 2023,
Germany, Hongying presenting
NTU innovation Friday, Heating Cooling Solutions,
Singapore, Prof and Hongying presenting
Materials Today Conference,
Singapore, Prof presenting
URA's Urban Lab Exhibition on Climate Responsive City,
Singapore, Eugene presenting
NTU-Imperial workshop on programmable architected materials for adaptive and sustainable systems, Singapore, Jia Heng presenting
CREATE symposium, Singapore
, Eugene presenting
18th conference and exhibition of the European Ceramic Society ECERS, France, invited talk by Prof
CINTRA-NTU workshop on materials for energy, Singapore,
Lizhi presenting
Technology, Industry, People, Economics (TIPE) 3D printing, virtual, Prof presenting

Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, USA, Rohit and Slocha presenting
17th international symposium on novel and nano materials, South Korea, invited talk by Prof

i-materials: Programmable architected materials for adaptive and sustainable systems, UK, Prof presenting

10th international workshop on Interfaces: Design for performance, Spain, invited talk by Prof and Lizhi presenting
The Future of Sustainable Biomass Valorization, France, Eugene and Jia Heng presenting
Materials for Humanity MH22, Singapore, Rohit, Slocha, Eugene, Hongying presenting
International Conference on Additive manufacturing for a better world (SUTD AM conference), Singapore, invited talk by Prof
International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), USA, invited talk by Prof

14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramics and Glass Technology (PACRIM), Canada, invited talk by Prof
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, USA, Prof presenting
2nd International Conference on Additive Fabrication of Composites, France, Pei Fang presenting

NanoGe Fall Meeting, virtual, invited talk by Prof
European congress and exhibition on advanced materials and processes (Euromat),
Austria, Prof presenting
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, USA, Wing presenting
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society conference, USA, invited talk by Prof

Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, USA, Prof presenting
5th International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Indiainvited keynote by Prof
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society conference (TMS Spring meeting), USA, Prof presenting

8th International conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, USA, invited keynote by Prof
KI-NTU-Oral Health ACP Joint Research Conference, Singapore, invited talk by Prof
MAE Industry day, Singapore, Shanthini & Rohit presenting
XVIII Brazil MRS Meeting, Brazil, invited talk by Prof
Biomimetics in Bioengineering, Australia, Prof presenting
15th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and liquids, Greece, invited talk by Prof
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, USA, Prof presenting
Interdisciplinary Symposium, opening Laboratory for Advanced TEM of Materials @ FACTS,
Singapore, Prof presenting
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