Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
News feed
July 21
Congratulations to Pei Fang and Rohit for passing their QE!
Welcome to Yuxiang from Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, who joined us for a summer internship!
Prof. Hortense gives a talk at the conference Materials for Humanity 2021, organized by the Materials Research Society of Singapore.
Congratulations to Wei Qi and Wu Tong for completing their URECA project with us!
June 21
Thanks to the groups of Profs Matteo, Li Hong, Yifan, and Chen Lyu for a very interesting joint seminar. We are looking forward for more discussion and collaborations!
(23 June) Happy International Women in Engineering Day! We are supporting Women@NTU and the newly founded Society of Women Engineers at NTU SWE@NTU.
New main laboratory location is in MAE N3.1 level 3M. Thanks everybody for your efforts and organization!
May 21
Congratulations to Jie Sheng, Ashwin, Fiske, Jeslyn, Daniel, Chin Kiat, Christel, Xiangyu and Iskandar for completing their FYPs!
April 21
Wing presents our work on reversible 3D printing of multifunctional composites at the Virtual MRS Spring meeting, symposium SM08.
March 21
Welcome to Hongying, joining us as Research fellow!
Sharlene is now Project officer.
Wing is now Research fellow.
Prof. Hortense gives an invited presentation at the virtual TMS 2021 meeting.
Feb 21
We are delighted to announce the start of the new FCL Global, an international collaboration between Zurich, Singapore, and more, to which we are participating. We are recruiting too!
Wishing all a lot of success for this new lunar year!
Jan 21
Our latest Historical column on Gutta-percha, a natural thermoplastic, is published in the MRS Bulletin.
Welcome to Li Zhi, joining us as Research Fellow.
Welcome to Vanessa, joining us as Research Associate.
Welcome to Sharren, Terence, Nigel, Kathrivel and Wei Xuan who are joining us for their FYP.
Congratulations to Rohit for having been selected to attend the 9th Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS)
Happy New Year!
Dec 20
Welcome to Slocha who is joining us as PhD student.
New research paper published in collaboration with Drs. Saeidi, Javadian, and Prof. Hebel from KIT, Germany, on mycelium-bound composite applications in construction.
We are now part of the brand new Centre for Sustainable Materials – Biobased, Bioinspired, Renewables and Recyclables (SusMat:B2R2) at NTU!
Nov 20
Pei Fang is attending the 2020 Virtual MRS Spring/Fall meeting: check out her posts on the MRS Meeting Scene!
Our view point is published in Accounts of Materials Research.
Oct 20
Congratulations to Drs Akshita, Harini and Jianguo for their publication in the journal Chemistry of Materials, in collaboration with Prof Miserez and Prof Verma.
Welcome to Xin Ying, joining us as Project Officer.
Sept 20
Happy to host a webinar on 3D printing materials with tunable properties by Dr. Gilberto Siquieras (Empa, Switzerland).
The lab research and transitioning from ETH Zuerich to Singapore highlighted on ETH Alumni news.
Welcome back to Sharlene, former FYP, joining as SG United trainee.
Welcome back to Eugene, former FYP, joining us as Project Officer.
Farewell to Shanthini, who integrates Schlumberger.
Farewell to Katie, going back to Purdue to continue her research.
Prof. Hortense gives a webinar at the ICCME-2020 organized in Kanchipuram, India
Congratulations to Pei Fang and Ha Young for their publication in the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, in collaboration with Prof Teoh.
Aug 20
Congratulations to Rohit, Syafiq and Marcus for their publication in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Thanks to the groups of Profs Matteo and Guo Zhan for a very interesting joint seminar. We are looking forward for more discussion and collaborations!
Congratulations to Eugene and Zhi Yong for their FYP results now published in the journal of Materials & design, as a collaboration with ETH-SEC, a Swiss antenna of ETH implanted in Singapore and KIT, Germany.
Our latest review on Magnetic slip casting for dense and textured ceramics is now available online in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
LDMC group trip to Kusu island to start well the new semester!
Prof. Hortense presents our research to colleagues of Max Planck Institute, Germany, in a webinar.
Welcome to Jeslyn, Ashwin, Christel, Daniel, Chin Kiat, Lim Jie, Xiangyu, Iskandar, Wei Qi and Wu Tong who are joining us for their undergraduate research!
July 20
Congratulations to former URECA student Laya Pothunuri for being elected National Geographic Young Explorer 2020!
May 20
Congratulations to​ Brij Samani, Lyla Wang, Sai Krishnan Sundaram and Srushti Sheth from NTU Business School to win the Sustainability Award at the Bangkok Business Challenge!
They pitched a project we are further developing our collaborators Dr. Nazanin Saeidi and Prof Dirk Hebel from Singapore ETH Center and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Prof S. (Vish) Viswanathan from NTU Business School.
April 20
The LDMCies are working from home.
February 20
Prof. Hortense presents our research at TMS San Diego, USA.
Shanthini is now Research Associate.
Welcome to Jie Sheng starting his FYP with us!
January 20
Our progress report on 3D assembly of graphene nanomaterials for advanced electronics with Dr. Sakineh Chabi from the University of New Mexico, USA and Dr. Shweta Agarwala from Aarhus University, Denmark is published online in Advanced Intelligent Systems.
Our paper on the structure-behaviour correlation between two genetically closely related snails with Dr. Yuta Morii from Massey University, NZ, is published in the Royal Society Open Science.
Our critical review of the design of damage-resilient bone implants in collaboration with Dr. Christos Athanasiou from Brown, USA, is published in JOM.
December 19
Prof. Hortense talks with Prof. Swee-Hin (SCBE, NTU) at ICMOBT 2019 in Hawaii, USA on Fracture and wear-resistant biomaterials via hierarchical microstructural design using electromagnetic field.
Secret Santas are revealed at the group Christmas party!
Prof. Hortense is awarded the National Research Foundation Fellowship (NRFF) 2020!
Katie is presenting her research at Polymer Pacific Conference (PPC16) in Singapore and won best poster award, congratulations!
November 19
Congratulations to Shanthini for successfully completing her master thesis!
Welcome to Wing Chung, new post-doctoral scholar in the group!
Group attends the MAE Graduate Student Club career event with Shanthini as an organiser and toastmaster.
Prof. Hortense presents in collaboration with Prof. Swee-Hin from SCBE, NTU, at the KI- NTU joint conference on oral health at the National Dental Centre of Singapore.
October 19
Shanthini and Rohit present our research at MAE Industry day.
September 19
Our collaborator Katie Riley from Purdue arrived in Singapore for 1 year research with our partner at A*STAR, IHPC, we are very happy to have her around and wish her to enjoy the best of Singapore!
Prof. Hortense presents composite fabrication at the MRS Brazil meeting in the bio-inspired symposium.
August 19
Welcome to Ha Young and Laya who are starting their URECA projects!
Welcome to Syafiq, Sharlene, Normal, Marcus, Eng Kiat, Clarence, starting their Final Year Project!
Prof. Hortense presents in situ liquid TEM technique at the Biomimetics for bioengineering conference in Brisbane, Australia.
Farewell to Tevyn, pursuing his masters with a semester in Sweden.
July 19
We are happy to host Asst. Prof. Andres Arrieta from Purdue University, USA for a few days!
Welcome to Rohit and Pei Fang who are starting their PhD!
June 19
Our paper with Dr. Florian Bouville now at Imperial College, UK "Processing of dense bio-inspired ceramics with deliberate microtexture" is published online in the Journal of American Ceramic Society!
Our paper "Modeling the effect of microstructure on elastic wave propagation in platelet-reinforced composites and ceramics" is just published in Composite Structures.
Prof. Hortense presents the LDMC at ETH Alumni 150 years in Singapore at the Singapore-ETH-Centre at the CREATE Tower at NUS.
May 19
We welcome Tevyn Kurkdjian as a visiting student from France!
April 19
Prof. Hortense is speaking at the MRS meeting in Phoenix (
Our paper with the teams of Profs. Ali Miserez and Martial Duchamp from MSE, NTU "Time-resolved observations of liquid-liquid phase separation using in situ liquid transmission electron microscopy" is just published online in JACS.
Our paper with Dr. Florian Bouville (now Imperial College) and Prof. André Studart (ETH Zürich) "Design of textured multi-layered structures via magnetically assisted slip casting" is just published online in Soft Matter.
The paper "A diecast mineralization process forms the tough mantis shrimp dactyl club" with Profs. Ali Miserez and Martial Duchamp at NTU, MSE, and in collaboration with A*STAR and NUS is published in PNAS. Congrats everybody!
Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Andres Arrieta from Purdue University, USA and Prof. André Studart from ETHZ, Switzerland "Filtered mechanosensing using snapping composites with embedded mechano-electrical transduction" is ready to be published in ACS Nano.
Our invited contribution "Robotics: Science preceding science-fiction" is published in the MRS Bulletin.
Our chemical lab is already functional, thanks to our very helpful lab manager Mrs. Koh Joo Luang. Thank you Joo Luang!
March 19
Welcome to Shanthini who is starting her master thesis!
Jan 19
Prof Hortense gives seminars at MAE (28-01-2019, N3-02b-65, 10:30 am) and MSE 28-01-2019, N4.1-01-28, 11 am), NTU on past and future research.
Dr Hortense's profile highlighted in MRS Bulletin for the reception of the Postdoctoral publication prize 2018.
The LDMC is created!