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We are @ NTU Singapore

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

School of Material Science & Engineering


We combine sustainable manufacturing with hierarchical design to develop
high performance materials.


Join us at ICMAT 2025 (Singapore). Abstract submission and symposia details at this link.

News feed

Jan 25

Our elephant tiles are featured in Asia Research News 2025! (link)


Welcome to Yee Yong De, joining us for his FYP.


Eugene, Dr Jia Heng and Dr Deepak run another workshop on mycelium composites at Temasek Poly with the collaboration of Dr Muang Hiao.


Prof presents our research at the Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WiEST) Symposium 2025 (link).


Congratulations to Dr Weixiang for his paper on graphene foams published in Thin Walls Structures! (link)

Dec 24

Happy end of the year and best wishes for 2025!


Our paper on 'Biodegradable mycelium tiles with elephant skin inspired texture for thermal regulation of buildings' is published in Energy & Buildings (link). Congratulations to Eugene, Nicholas, Dr Jia Heng, and Dr Anuj from BioSEA! 


Congratulations to Gwendolyn for completing her FYP.


The elephant-skin inspired mycelium tiles are showcased at the workshop on Nurturing an ASEAN Start-up ecosystem for circular economy at NTU (link).

Nov 24

Prof gives a seminar on 'Composite materials with bioinspired microstructures' to students from University of Aveiro in Portugal.


Prof gives a seminar on 'Mycomaterials for a circular bioeconomy' to students from the Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia.

Our paper 'Exploring the potential of ChatGPT for finding engineering biomimetic solutions: a theoretical framework and practical insights' in collaboration with Prof Yeter from NIE is published in Journal of Bionic engineering.

Dr Deepak and Prof attend Prototypes for Humanity, part of the Dubai Future Forum in Dubai, to present our innovative concept of 3D printed porous myco-bricks.

Farewell to Haiyang who completed his CSC visiting program with us!


Dr Rohit and Prof are interviewed in a podcast by the Materials Research Society Bulletin to present our latest research  on hierarchical bioinspired ceramics published in Cell Press ( (link to the podcast here)

Our mycelium team exhibits their work at the Plastic Recycling Show Asia (PRSA) in collaboration with Temasek Polytechnic.

Prof gives seminars on Innovative sustainable processes and materials and researching avenues for more sustainability and inclusivity at Wuhan University of Technology, China, hosted by Prof Zhengyao Qu.


Congratulations to Slocha and Dr Jia Heng for their review on 'Bioinspired processing for the sustainable fabrication of high-performance bioinspired ceramic-reinforced polymer composites' published in Matter CellPress (link).


Dr Deepak's Myco-bricks for Sustainable Urban Development has been selected for the Prototypes for Humanity competition in Dubai later this month! More at Prototypes for Humanity.

Oct 24

Dr Jia Heng, Dr Deepak and Eugene are running a hands-on workshop on 'Growing Fungi and their potential in the built environment' at Singapore ETH Center!

Sept 24

Chunze and her magnetic 3D printer team (Hedi and Jade) have been shortlisted to present at the 2nd SC3DP Pitch competition!


Prof is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.

Aug 24

Check out our recent publication in Communications Engineering with our collaborators from A*STAR and Purdue University and former visiting scholar Katie: link.


Welcome to Kartick, WeiXian, Wei Ling, Yew Wei, Jia Ding, Norman, Charmaine, Jie Ren, Rishanthi, Ashlyn and Yoanes who are joining the group for their FYP.

Dr Jia Heng presents his research at the Biointerface International Conference 2024 in Switzerland and meet our collabrators in France.

Dr Rohit presents his research at the 14th International Conference on Ceramic Materials for Energy and Environmental systems in Hungary (CMCEE14).


Our patent application by co-inventors Dr Lizhi and Xin Ying Chan on Continuous 3D printing of microstructured composites is published! (link

Welcome to Vanneza joining us as student assistant.


Congratulations to Dr Rohit and our collaborators from Prof Gan Chee Lip's group at NTU for our paper on Rational design and fabrication of hierarchical ceramics published in Cell Reports Physical Science! (link)


Congratulations to Dr Jia Heng and Eugene for their research paper on manipulating fungal growth in engineered living materials through precise deposition of the nutrients is published in International Journal of Bioprinting! (link)

July 24

Dr Rohit presents bioinspired ceramics for dental implants at the NDCS-Zeiss workshop in Singapore.

Prof presents our research on bioinspired processing for bioinspired composites at the GRC Green Chemistry in Spain.

We receive the visit from Prof Lisdar A. Manaf from IPB University/ Bogor Agricultural University.


Prof gives a webinar about bioinspired processes for bioinspired advanced materials at Wuhan University of Technology, China.

We receive the visit from our collaborator Prof Benjamin Dillenburger from ETH Zurich.


Congrats to Yaashwini and Peifang for our paper on Magnetic functionalization of brushite microplatelets and rheological characterisation of their slurries in ICE Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials! (link)

Congratulations to Yuan Hao for being awarded the Dissertation Excellence Award in the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Programme for his dissertation with us on modeling of 3D printed reinforced composites with complex microstructures.

Congrats to Eugene, Jia Heng, Nicholas, and Dr Anuj from BioSEA for our conference paper on elephant-skin inspired mycelium-bound composites (link).

Congrats to Eugene, Jia Heng, Merlin, Randon, Wei Neng and Prof Veronica for our conference paper on magnetic mycelium-bound composites (link).

Farewell to our Dr Hongying who is now starting a new position in a big company!

Welcome to Jade and Himani who join our group as student assistants!


Congratulations to Alicia and Ishita for completing their URECA projects!

Dr Rohit presents bioinspired ceramics for dental applications at the conference GLOW2024 at NTU Singapore and wins a best poster award! Congratulations!


Drs Deepak and Jia Heng present our mycelium research to Raffles Institution educators at the URA Centre.


Congratulations to Dr Lizhi, Jingbo and our collaborators from Prof Edwin Teo for publishing 'modulation of the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness through micro/macrostructure design for electronic packaging' in NPG Asia Materials! (link)

June 24

Congratulations to Dr Rohit and our collaborators Prof Gan Chee Lip team for publishing the 'effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of textured alumina densified using ultrafast high temperature sintering' in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society! (link)

The results from our project within the Future Cities Laboratory is exhibited at the URA Centre, Singapore till end of July (link).

May 24

We are delighted to receive the visit from Prof Pimpet Strathong-On from Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, who gave a seminar on mycelium-bound composites.


Farewell to Dr Lizhi Guan who is now starting his own research group as independent professor at Beihang University in China! Congratulations!

It was great to welcome Prof Arrieta and undergraduate students from Purdue as well as from NTU for the 3rd edition of the Biomimicry workshop@NTU. Thanks to researchers from Prof Yifan's, Prof Changjin's and my group for sharing their research. Special thanks to Aminul for the entire organisation. 


Congrats to Ryan, Lim Shi En, Riasa, Abel Gan, Jazz, Linus, Veronica and Kuo Wei for successfully completing their FYP!

Welcome to Hedi and Yashaaswini who join us for the summer.

April 24

Prof presents our research at the Asia-Pacific workshop on Engineered Living Materials at the Australian National University, Canberra.


Welcome to Yiting who is joining our group under the China Scholarship Council!

Congratulations to Yuan Hao for completing his master thesis.

March 24

Ishita presents her URECA project at the Research Showcase at NTU.


Welcome to Animul Islam and Lin Yiheng joining us as student assistants!


Check out our latest review on 'mycelium-bound product development to identify barriers to entry and paths to overcome them' published in the Journal of Cleaner Production.


Slocha and Weixiang present their research at BioINSP 2024 in Germany.


Congratulations to Weixiang, Xin Ying and Christine for their paper in MRS Bulletin, impact section. Title: Effect of microplatelet orientation in 3D printed microplatelet-reinforced composites with bioinspired microstructures (link).


Prof presents some of our research at TMS in Orlando.

Feb 24

Welcome back to Dr. Rohit, officially starting as a research fellow to pursue research on bioinspired strong and tough ceramics.


Happy CNY to all!


Congratulations to Sourabh for passing his QE!

Jan 24

Prof presents some of our recent research at the International Conference for Advanced Composites and Ceramics at the GeorgiaTech University in the US.


Congrats to Junbo, Zhuoran, Dr Rohit, Dr Hongying for their paper on textured alumina with high entropy mortar with collaboration with Prof Ji from Sichuan University:


Welcome to FYP Gwendolyn joining us this semester!

Welcome to Cheryl, joining us as Project officer.

Dec 23

Best wishes for 2024!


Prof present our mycelium tiles and mycelium-metal composites at the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technologies 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Drs Lizhi, Rohit and Prof are presenting at I-CAME, the first International Congress of Advanced Medical Engineering in Changsha, China. The conference was highlighted in the media:

Nov 23

Welcome to Li Deming, joining us as Master student.


Our paper on "Nacre-like ceramic composites: properties, functions and fabrication in the context of dental restorations" is published in Acta Biomaterialia (link), with collaborators Profs Goh Bee Tin and Teoh Swee-Hin (National Dental Research institute Singapore and Hunan University China).


Congratulations to Dr Lizhi, Dr Weixiang, Rachel and Jingbo for their paper "Izod impact resistance of 3D printed discontinuous fibrous composites with Bouligand structures" published in NPG Asia Materials. Check the link.


Eugene and Dr Jia Heng exhibit the mycelium tiles project in collaboration with BioSEA at the Urban Lab exhibition on Climate Responsive City at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) center in Singapore.


Welcome to Haiyang, joining us under the China Scholarship Council.

Prof presents the potential of bioinspired ceramics for dental restoration at the 37th annual scientific meeting of the International Association for Dental Research - South East Asia Division.

Congratulations to Eugene, Dr Jia Heng, Brendon and Tingrong for their paper "3D printing of mycelium engineered living materials using a waste-based ink and non-sterile conditions" accepted in Materials & Design. Check the link.


Congratulations to Drs. Hongying and Weixiang for their paper "Thermal rectification in modularly designed bulk metamaterials" accepted in Advanced Materials. Check the link .

Congratulations to Prof for getting the Nanyang Research Award, Young Investigator!


Dr Hongying's patent application is now published: Title: Directed Thermal Conduction Article, Composite And Method

Prof Hortense presents our microstructured 3D printing at PACRIM in Shenzhen, China.


Congratulations to Rohit for defending successfully his PhD thesis!

Oct 23

Seminar 'Aligning BN microplatelets in specific directions to control thermal pathways in bulk' given by Prof at TU Wien, Austria, School of Chemistry.


Prof Hortense receives the 2023 Nature award, Inspiring Women in Science, Scientific achievement category at a ceremony in New York (press release: link).

Dr. Lizhi presents our research on fabrication of microstructured ceramic reinforced composites at the 2023 International Conference on Frontier Materials (ICFM2023) in Qingdao, China.


Eugene, Dr. Jia Heng and Prof present the mycelium research project at ETH Zurich during the Biofrontiers symposium, the FCL conference and exhibition, and the mid-term review.

Seminar '3D printing of microstructured multifunctional composites' given by Prof at EPFL, Switzerland, School of Engineering.

Sept 23

Welcome to Li Chunze who is joining us to develop the magnetic 3D printer.


Seminar 'Explore the future of dental restorations' given by Prof and organized by MAE GSC, MSE GSC and LKC GSC.


Nanowerk features our BN thermal composites: read the article at the link.


Our collaborators from KIT, Germany are visiting us in Singapore. Dr. Jia Heng is coordinating the visit.


Prof Hortense is among the 5 shortlisted for Nature awards, Inspiring Women in Science, Scientific achievement category (link)!


Our research on thermal composites is highlighted in NTU Pushing Frontiers, the research and innovation magazine by NTU:
check out the issue #22!


Dr. Hongying presents her research on thermally conductive composites at FEMRS Euromat 2023 in Frankfurt, Germany.

August 23

Congratulations to Rohit for his FACTS Art of Science Prize, Scientific category. Check out the beautiful images at the link.


Congratulations to Deepak for his best PhD thesis award at IIT Madras! Deepak is now postdoc in our group.


Our research on mycelium is featured by Mycostories, check the link here.


Farewell to Anusha, who did her internship on mycellium skin.

Dr. Hongying and Prof present the BN composite technology for thermal management of electronics at the Innovation Fridays organized by the NTU innovation center NTUitive. Dr. Jia Heng showcases the elephant-inspired mycelium tiles.

Farewell to Jingbo, continuing his journey in NTU as a PhD student!

Eugene presents research on mycelium elephant tiles on the occasion of the Swiss National Council visit at Singapore ETH Centre.


Prof presents our 3D printing magnetically assisted technologies at the Materials Today conference in Singapore.

Our collaborators from ETH Zurich are visiting us in Singapore. Jia Heng is coordinating the visit.

Zhuoran is now PhD student.

Welcome to UG students: Ryan, Jazz, Abel, Shi En, Kuo Wei, Riasa, Veronica, Linus, Ishita and Alicia.

July 23

Eugene presents our elephant tiles at the CREATE Symposium held at the CREATE Tower on NUS campus with our collaborator Dr. Anuj Jain from BioSEA.

We host the 2nd NTU-Imperial workshop on Programmable architected materials for sustainability with Profs. Florian Bouville, Minh-Son Pham and Matteo Seita from Imperial College and Cambridge. JiaHeng presents his latest research on 3D printing of mycelium. Christine, Sourabh and Rohit helped to organise the event. link:


Prof gives a Highlighted talk at the European Ceramic Society Conference in Lyon, France.


Congratulations to Yashaaswini and Nishaanth for completing their URECA projects.

June 23

Dr Lizhi present our research at the CINTRA workshop on Energy organised by CNRS, NTU, and Thales.


Farewell to Anirudh, who worked on our magnetic 3D printing setups.

Dr Hongying is interviewed by MIT Tech Reviews China and featured in their DeepTech platform! links:,


Congratulations to Jingbo for successfully passing his Master thesis! 

Our paper on curved multilayered alumina composites was chosen as the Editor's Choice for July in JOM!


Welcome Dr. Deepak, our new Research fellow who will work on designing and modeling of porous structures.

Anirudh presents our magnetic 3D printing concept and prototype at the SC3DP Open House.

May 23

Congratulations to FYP students Noraini, Adam, Rachel, Azmeer, Chalmers, Pooja, Nicohlas, Wei Neng, Randon, and Ernest for successfully completing their project with us!

Eugene presents our poster on mycelium bound composites for urban living at the Exhibition 'Agropolitain SeedTown' in Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia.


We welcome students from Purdue University with Prof Andres Arrieta for a workshop on bioinspiration and biomimicry at NTU. Slocha, Rohit, Sourabh and Hongyu participate in hosting the students with Prof Yifan's group.


Prof discusses about innovation, sustainability and diversity with Dr Yannis Assael from Google DeepMind and Prof Paul Seawright from Ulster University at the MIT Innovators under 35 reunion in Donegal county in Ireland.


Congratulations to Slocha for leading the project on bioinspired composites with sacrificial interpenetrated polymer bonds accepted in Bioinspired and Biomimetics! (link)


Dr. Jia Heng and Prof travel to ETH Zurich and KIT to meet and brainstorm with our collaborators on the mycelium project.


Welcome Anusha, a summer intern working on the mycelium project.

April 23

Farewell to Apple! Apple worked on 3D printing and was handling FYP purchases.


Prof gives a lecture 'Introduction to Biomimicry' at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies of NTU.


Our mycelium composites developed by Nicholas, Eugene and Jia Heng, in collaboration with Dr. Anuj from BioSEA are showcased at the Biomimicry Toolkit launch event at the National Design Centre, Singapore.


Prof presents at the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) Inspiring Ideas Webinar Series on 'The future of Additive Manufacturing - Grand Challenges'.


Our paper on magnetic drop on demand (M-DOD) in Nature Communications is listed among the top 25 most read articles in 2022! see the collection (link).

March 23

Congratulations to Seo Hyeong (aka Christine) for her 3rd prize at the Women Of Steel research showcase organised by POWERS at NTU for her poster on revolutionising lab equipment using 3D printing.

Prof is listed as MIT innovators under 35, Europe for developing several 3D printing technologies to fabricate easily customisable and high-performance multifunctional materials!


Our paper on how students conceptualize biomimicry is published in Biomimetics (link). Thanks to Prof Ibrahim Yeter and Valerie from NIE for the collaboration and to all students who participated in the workshops!

Our paper on BN composites is featured in Advanced Materials' special virtual issue:

Feb 23

Congratulations to Slocha for passing her QE!


Prof is presenting our research on 3D printing of materials with bioinspired microstructures at the Faculty seminar at the University of Bath, UK.

Congratulations to Xin Ying, Zheng Hao and co-authors on their paper 'Fabrication and testing of bioinspired composites with curved multilayer microstructures' (link)

Prof is among the MAE staff awardees (faculty category) for 2022.

Jan 23

Prof presents our newest 3D printing technologies at TIPE 3D printing conference (watch the recording at this link).


新年快乐! Happy Chinese new year!

Our magnetically drop on demand 3D printing technology is now patented (link).


Eugene and Prof participate to a Workshop on Biomass Valorisation in Tunis, organised by SOScience, the Embassy of France in Tunisia and the Institute of Research and Development (IRD), France.


Zhuoran is now Research Associate.

Welcome to Jonathan and Merlin from School of ADM, joining us as student assistants to help with designing in the mycelium project.

Welcome to Hongyu, joining us as PhD student.

Dr. Nazanin Saeidi from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany is visiting us and giving a seminar titled 'Rethinking buildings: alternative construction materials'.

Farewell to Xin Ying, who worked heavily on our MASC setups.

Congratulations to Dr Lizhi, Jingbo and Xin Ying for their paper on continuous magnetic 3D printing published in Additive Manufacturing! (link)

Our work on woodpile structures made of mycelium-bound composites to increase their stiffness is published in Materials and Design. Congratulations! (link)

Dec 22

Cheers to the end of 2022!


Farewell to Shike, one of our first student assistants.

Eugene and Prof appear part of a CNA insider documentary (link, start 18:26). Thanks to Dr Jia Heng and Kay for the help!

Our exploration of nacre-like ceramics for musical instruments is published in Music & Science (link)!

Welcome to Anirudh, joining us as Research Associate.

Nov 22

Rohit and Slocha are presenting their research at the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston in the USA with alumna Katie. Rohit is covering the conference on the Meeting Scene.


Congratulations to URECA student Gan Jun Ken, Eugene, and our KIT collaborator for publishing in Scientific Reports on Mycelium biocycles!

Prof presents at ISNNM2022, International Symposium on Novel and Nanomaterials.

Prof is listed in the World's Top 2% Scientists List Identified by Stanford University (link).

Oct 22

Farewell to Dr Wing, who contributed to the lab for the past 3 years. 

Prof presents our mycelium research at the Workshop on Programmable Architected Materials for Adaptive and Sustainable Systems at Imperial College London.

Congratulations to Zhuoran for successfully passing his Master thesis! 


Farewell to Kay, who collaborated on the mycelium project.


Prof Hortense is featured as Emerging Investigator in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A.


Congratulations to Sharlene, Iskandar, Chin Kiat for having their work published as a conference proceedings "An approach to 3D print liquid ceramic slurries". 

Sept 22

Our work on heat transfer highways in oriented BN is featured as cover in Advanced Materials.


Eugene, Kay and Dr Jia Heng participate in the workshop 'The Future Of Sustainable Biomass Valorisation" organised by SOScience.


Dr Hongying, Rohit, Slocha and Eugene are presenting at MH22, 2nd International Conference on 'Materials for Humanity' 2022.


Prof presents our latest research at MSE faculty seminar series.

Dr Lizhi and Prof present at the International Workshop for Interfaces "Design for Performance".

Aug 22

Congratulations to Dr Wing and co-authors Vanessa and Rohit for the paper on Magnetically assisted drop-on-demand 3D printing of microstructured multimaterial composites in Nature Communications!


Prof presents at the International Conference of Additive Manufacturing for a Better World held at SUTD Singapore.


Farewell to Junbo, who is going back to complete his PhD!

Farewell to Valerie, who helped us during our workshop with visiting Purdue students and JC students from SeeNTU Outreach to learn about bioinspiration and biomimetics.

Zhuoran is now Student Assistant.


Welcome to Yuan Hao, who will be pursing Masters with us.

Congratulations to Dr Hongying and co-authors Dr Weixiang, Junbo, Xin Ying, Shike and Prof Li Lu from NUS for the paper on Microstructured BN composites with internally designed high thermal conductivity paths for 3D electronic packaging in Advanced Materials!


Congratulations to Rohit and collaborators from Temasek at NTU Matthew Reavley, Dr Zehui Du and Prof Gan Chee Lip for the paper on Ultrahigh-temperature sintering of textured alumina!

Welcome to the undergraduate students joining us this year: Rajnivas, Nishaanth, Wini, Nur Azmeer, Nicholas, Randon, Chalmers, Adam, Pooja, Rachel, Noraini, Wei Neng!

June 22

Congratulations to Eugene and past URECA students for contributing to a small paper in Ceramica Scielo, on the idea of democratizing technology by proposing a method for the preparation of a 3D printing ink method without specialized equipment.

It was a pleasure to welcome JC students to experience NTU through the SeeNTU Outreach program. Thanks again to Sourabh, Valerie, Pei Fang, Slocha, Dr Lizhi, Eugene, Dr Jia Heng and Rohit for the help!

May 22

We are delighted to host Prof Arrieta, Katie Riley, and other students from Purdue for a workshop on bioinspiration and biomimetics. Thanks to Sourabh, Valerie, Pei Fang, Slocha, Dr Lizhi, Eugene, Dr Jia Heng and Rohit for the organization as well as collaboration with Prof Ibrahim Yeter from NIE.


Congratulations to FYP students Sharren, Nigel, Tingrong, Brendon, Guo Yang, Emily, Ahmad, Kevin, Kai Shieng, Jethro, Jonathan and Zheng Hao to have successfully completed their project with us!


Welcome to Valerie, joining us as Student assistant.

April 22

Congratulations to Drs Hongying and Lizhi for their review on Controlled local orientation of 2D nanomaterials in 3D devices in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A!


Prof presents at the ACS Account of Materials Research: Asia-Pacific Summit.


Welcome to Dr Weixiang, joining us as Research fellow!

Welcome to Dr Jia Heng, joining us on the mycelium project as Research fellow.

Congratulations to Pei Fang and Sharlene for their paper on 3D printing of calcium phosphate ceramics in the International Journal of Bioprinting!

Mar 22

Our paper on plant inspired multi stimuli morphing in collaboration with Katie Riley and Prof Arrieta from Purdue is published in Bioinspired & Biomimetics!


Our 'bio-inspired' self-shaping ceramics research is presented in the Ceramics Monthly magazine, Clay culture section.


Welcome to Apple, joining us as Project officer.

Welcome to Christine, joining us as Student assistant.

Feb 22

Check out our editorial on Sustainable additive manufacturing of plastics in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.


Prof Hortense is highlighted among the Rising Stars of Singapore in the National Research Foundation magazine (at this link).


Congratulations to Vanessa and Dr Wing for their paper in Acta Materialia on directed reflectance of microstructured composites in collaboration with Prof Seita's group at NTU!


Best wishes for the Lunar New Year!

Jan 22

Prof Hortense presents our research at the 46th International Conference for Advanced Ceramics and Composites.


Farewell to Vanessa, who worked on optical characterization of microstructured composites.


Congratulations to Yuxiang for publishing her research internship results on Bioinspired self-shaping clays in Biomimetics!

Welcome to PhD student Sourabh, master thesis student Jingbo, student assistant Shike and part-time FYP student Ernest.

Farewell to Sharlene, who is now exploring other career path in the military.

Congratulations to Xin Ying, Clarence and Sharlene for their publication on the "energy dissipation in composites with hybrid nacre-like helicoidal microstructures" published in Composites Part B.

Interview of Prof by IEEE, Women in STEM, Singapore chapter to discuss career in engineering is available online at this link.

Happy New Year!

Dec 21

Our paper on the in-plane modulation of vertical particle orientations using rotating magnetic fields, with Prof Arrieta (Purdue) is published in Soft Matter!


Last group meeting of the year! Wishing everybody a happy winter break and end of the year!

Welcome to Nivetha who will do an internship with us to learn more about science and research.

Prof present our research at MRS Fall meeting and PACRIM/GOMD meeting.


Congratulations to Sim Wei and Kathi for passing their FYP!

Congratulations to Eugene for having his research on mycelium growth using food supplements published in PLOS One! Link to the paper: here.

Nov 21

Our research project on mycelium composites is featured in the Straits Times.


Welcome to our collaborator Kay from KIT, Germany, who will be visiting us regularly from Singapore ETH Center.


Congratulations to Jie Sheng for having his FYP results published in Sustainable Materials and Technologies! Title: Assessment of nacre-like ceramics in replacement to Ni superalloys in aircraft's engines.


Pei Fang presents direct ink writing of microstructured bioceramics at the conference on Additive Fabrication of Composites (ADDFABCOMP).

Prof presents Urban Biocycles Mycelium digitalization research project with collaborators from ETH Zurich, Switzerland -> watch the recording here.


Oct 21

Prof presents 3D printing of multifunctional composites at NanoGE conference.


Congratulations to Dr Wing, alumna Shanthini and our collaborators Katie and Prof Arrieta from Purdue for their work on 3D printing of morphing composites, published in Composites Science and Technology!

Sept 21

Welcome to Abhilash and Gan Jun Ken joining us for their URECA project.

Prof Hortense present our ceramic research at the EUROMAT, European congress on Materials Science and Technology.


Congratulations to Rohit for his review on 'impact resistant materials inspired by the mantis shrimp's dactyl club' published in Matter.

Aug 21

Welcome to Ma Zhuoran starting his Master thesis with us!


Our research is highlighted in NTU Pushing frontiers, the research and innovation magazine of NTU: check out the issue #19!


Welcome to Junbo Liu joining us as a Visiting student under the China Scholarship Council.


As the semester starts, we welcome Tingrong, Brendon, Emily, Guo Yang, Ahmad, Kevin, Zheng Hao, Kai Shieng, Jethro, Samuel and Jonathan who are starting their FYP projects!

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